230 User’s Manual for InterForm400
Sort Definitions
This function is used if pages in a spool entry for the same receiver ID are not consecutive,
and there is a demand for them to be sorted this way.
The function should be used prior to an overlay merge or a prinserter or PFE MailPrinter pre-
Enter Menu point 5. Sort Definitions on the menu 5. Work With Auto Forms Control. The
following screen will appear:
Work with Sort Definitions SOR300D
Start with . . . . . __________
Type option, Press Enter.
2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete 5=Display
Opt Name Description
(No Sort definitions - F6 to create)
F3=Exit F5=Refresh F6=Add F12=Cancel
Press F6 to create a new sorter definition.
One sorter definition is specific for one type of print job, and can be referred to by any
number of queues defined in AutoFormsControl.
Update Sort Definition SOR310D
Definition name . . . . : PETER
Description . . . . . . . Sort IF400DEMO
Insert separator page before
start of new group . . . . *YES *NO, *YES
Insert separator page if
break in sort field no . . 1_ 1-6
F3=Exit F12=Cancel