User’s Manual for InterForm400® 299
You can either write the name of the TTF file to be installed or prompt with F4,
to get a list of all files in the APF3812 folder. Select the TTF file here with
option ‘1'. Press Enter.
7. A description is retrieved from the TTF file and displayed as the font name.
Following you are prompted for the code page, Type Face number and what to
call the font member.
Install TrueType font to PCL from the folder APF3812 FNT431D
Document name . . . . . . : ARIAL.TTF
Font name . . . . . . . . : Arial
Font name PCL . . . . . . . Arial
Code Page . . . . . . . . . 1 1=CodePage850 2=CodePage852
Type Face . . . . . . . . . 40000 (0 65535)
Member name in FONT file . ARIAL_____ F4=List
F3=Exit F12=Cancel
A new type face number have to be entered for the font. Enter a number
higher than 32767 in order to assure, that this will not conflict with any
typefaces of the resident fonts. Enter a member name for the new soft font
(40000 is chosen). Press Enter and wait for the font member to be created
(be patient). When finished you will return to the Work with PCL soft fonts
menu. Press F3 to go back to the Work with fonts menu.