User’s Manual for InterForm400® 31
5. About The Print Results
Maybe you noticed that page 2-4 was printed slightly faster than page 1. The reason is
that the overlay is loaded into the printer as a macro at the beginning of the spool entry
and is being called from the printer memory on page one and the succeeding pages. The
example contains some bit images to give a feeling of this.
Notice that the address field text and the reference text are printed with a different font
than the rest of the text. The lines and columns where these text strings are found in the
spool entry are re-mapped by definitions in the sample overlay IF400DEMO. Enter 1.
Design Overlay on the main menu and select overlay IF400DEMO and look at the
overlay elements defined in here. Do not make changes to this overlay, as it will be used
as template in section Getting familiar with Overlays.
Try entering 5. Work with Auto Forms Control on the main and select 1. Functions
attached to Output Queues. Select 2 for Change AFC_INPUT1 and look into the
definitions found in here.
You should now investigate further on your own. You will probably be amazed how simple
the concept really is. We suggest that you either proceed with the section Getting
familiar with overlays which leads you through a process of adding more advanced
overlay elements to the sample you have been working on. Alternatively you can start
building your own definitions.
DO NOT create new overlays intended for production in the file-set SAMPLE. A future
release update will not update the changes you make in the file-set SAMPLE. Neither
will changes made to AFC-definitions in AFC-job/queue AFC_INPUT1, unless a “Light”
code is entered in the old version which is being updated from)
DO NOT make any changes to the overlay IF400DEMO at this stage if you intend to
work with the Getting familiar with overlays section.