User’s Manual for InterForm400® 5
8=TABULATOR (Paragraph tabulation) ....................... 61
9=REMAP WINDOW (re-mapping text areas) .................. 63
I=IMAGE ................................................ 66
?=IF...THEN (conditional nesting of overlays) .................. 67
F=PCL-FILE ............................................. 70
G=HP/GL-2-FILE ......................................... 71
S=SUBOVERLAY ....................................... 72
* = COMMENT .......................................... 72
How the sequence lines in overlay design are executed ................. 74
Getting Familiar With Overlays .......................................... 76
Step 1. Making a Work Copy of the Overlay IF400DEMO ................ 77
Step 2. Make a Test Print of the Overlay+Spool Data ................... 79
Step 3. Entering the Design Window ................................ 81
Step 4. Printing the Overlay Definition List ............................ 82
Step 5. Adding Round Corners to the Address Field .................... 82
Step 6. Edit Subject Text ......................................... 84
Step 7. Formatting the body text ................................... 87
Step 8. Making Equal Distance Between Column Headers ............... 88
Step 9. Making Equal Distance between Item Line Columns ............. 90
Step 10. Defining the Column Headers White on Black ................. 92
Step 11. Defining the Item Line Bars ................................ 94
Step 12. Defining the 5 Item Coloumn Frames ........................ 95
Step 13. Defining the logo as a water mark ........................... 96
Step 14. Defining the Copy Management ............................ 98
Step 15. Defining the COPY Symbol as Watermark .................... 99
Step 16. Defining the Relatively Positioned Sub-form .................. 101
Step 17. Cleaning the Overlay for Remaining Text .................... 104
Step 18. The Result ............................................ 105
Example of Advanced use of Sub-overlays (Random text lines) ......... 107
Creating the Main overlay: ................................. 108
Creating the sub-overlay for formatting item groups ............. 109
Creating the sub-overlay for formatting the footer .............. 112
The result .............................................. 113
Main Menu Local Environment Setup ................................... 116
2. Test Print Overlay ............................................ 116
3. Merge Spool Entry with Overlay ................................. 117
8. Select File set ............................................... 119
9. Select Output Queue and Printer Type ........................... 120
10. Work with actual Output Queue ................................ 120
Working with Overlay Selectors ........................................ 122
Selection Criteria Entries ........................................ 123
Getting Familiar with Overlay Selectors ................................. 126
Step 1. Placing overlays in One File set ............................. 126
Step 2. Examining Spool Entry Selection Criteria ..................... 128
Step 3. Entering the Selection Criterias in the Selector ................. 129
Step 4. Testing the Selector ...................................... 131
General Description of Auto Forms Control Sub-system ................... 132
10. Start AUTO_FORM subsystem ................................ 133
11. End AUTO_FORM subsystem ................................. 133