Installation Instructions
10 311427D
4. The setup program should start automatically. If it
doesn’t, open Windows Explorer (Start / All Pro-
grams / Accessories). Locate the CD-ROM drive
letter under My Computer and double-click the
Setup Executable File to see the screen shown in
IG. 12. Click Next.
5. Review the End User License Agreement (FIG. 13).
If acceptable, select “I accept…” and click Next.
6. The default setup type is shown selected: Typical
(Matrix Server & Client) (F
IG. 14). Chose this setup
type for either standalone Matrix PCs or for the
Matrix Server in multiple-PC applications. Click
7. Note firewall configuration settings that may need to
be changed for Matrix to function (F
IG. 15). Click
IG. 12 Setup Path 1 - InstallShield Wizard
IG. 13 Setup Path 1 - License Agreement
FIG. 14 Setup Path 1 - Choose Setup Type
IG. 15 Setup Path 1 - Firewalls