Operator Screens
32 311427D
least one work order will need to be processed or
removed before a new one can be loaded.
2. Work Order Already In Process (F
IG. 63). This
message appears when the PC is attempting to
send another work order. No RF communication is
attempted when this screen appears. Attempt to
send the work order again.
3. Meter is Busy (F
IG. 64). This message appears
when the PC has received an Activate message
from the meter being addressed. No RF communi-
cation is attempted when this screen appears.
Attempt to send the work order again when the
meter has completed processing the active work
4. Couldn’t Send Work Order (F
IG. 65). This mes-
sage appears when the PC tries to communicate
with the meter and receives no response. RF com-
munication is attempted when this screen appears.
This message indicates the battery in the meter is
removed or needs to be recharged, the transceiver
is unplugged, or the RF environment has changed.
Correct these conditions and attempt to send the
work order again.
IG. 62 Work Order Limit
IG. 63 Work Order Already in Process
IG. 64 Meter Is Busy
FIG. 65 Couldn’t Send Work Order