System Administrator Screens
311427D 47
7. Security Type: A global security setting was made
in system configuration. This setting can be
changed on a meter to meter basis using this
screen if desired. Select System Monitoring, PIN
Code Registration, or Parts Room Authorization.
8. System Emergency Code is a four digit number
defined in the System Configuration section of the
software and is displayed here. This number cannot
be altered in the Meter Setup section.
9. Choose Yes or No on the Use Work Orders
drop-down list.
Yes – the meter will use work orders. In order to dis-
pense fluid from this meter, the user must enter a
work order at the PC and send it to the meter. The
meter operator selects the work order and dis-
penses the fluid. The PC tracks the fluid dispensed
with this work order number.
No – the meter will not use work orders. Nothing
needs to be sent from the PC in order to dispense
fluid at the meter.
Depending on which Security Type was selected,
there may still be some meter/PC interaction that
happens to be able to dispense fluid; this setting
only specifies whether the dispensed fluid is tracked
by a work order number.
10. Choose Yes or No in the Enable Work Order Entry
At Meter drop-down list.
This parameter is selectable only if Use Work
Orders is Yes.
Yes – enter a work order on the meter keypad. With
this setting, work orders can be sent from the PC or
entered at the meter.
No – work orders cannot be entered at the meter;
they can only be sent from the PC.
Choose Yes or No in the Enable ADP Link For
This Meter drop-down list. Choosing Yes here is
valid only if Use Work Orders is Yes. This setting
must be set to Yes for Matrix to automatically post
fluid charges to the RO on the ADP DMS for this
meter’s dispenses. Note that the meter can still use
work orders if this setting is No; Matrix will not vali-
date this meter’s work orders or post fluid charges to
ADP for dispenses made by this meter.
This setting can be changed without reprogramming
the meter.
11. In Battery Warn Level is set at a default level of
10%. If desired, enter at what percentage of remain-
ing battery life you want a warning to display.
12. Select the Transceiver ID for the TLM from the list
of Transceivers configured during System Configu-
13. Click Apply to update the record.
14. Enter a preset amount of fluid to be dispensed if
preset amount was selected as yes (F
IG. 90).
15. If the meter was set to Preset or Restricted Preset
mode, the screen shown in F
IG. 90 is displayed. Set
the default preset volume for this meter in the units
previously selected for this meter.
16. Select a Top-Off Limit (F
IG. 90). This is a percent-
age of the preset volume that can be (at the meter
operator’s discretion) be dispensed after the preset
amount has been reached. The options are: 0, 5,
10, 50, 75, 100, and unlimited. Zero means that no
top-off amount is allowed after the preset amount
has been dispensed. Unlimited means there is no
limit to how much additional fluid can be dispensed
after the preset amount has been reached.
17. Click Apply to update the record.
Fluid Calibration
Quarts Liters
Oil (10W30) 368 389
Gear Lube 375 396
ATF 368 389
Antifreeze 348 368
This change only affects this individual meter.
Global meter set up for all meters was completed
during initial setup in the Operation Type Setup
FIG. 90 Pre-set Amount Dialog