System Administrator Screens
52 311427D
ADP Interface _____________________________________________
The ADP Interface Setup screen (FIG. 97) contains all the setup configuration necessary for Matrix to apply the
appropriate fluid charge to an ADP Repair Order (RO).
Note: The term “work order” (or WO), which the Matrix PC software and this manual uses, is synonymous with ADP’s
“repair order” (or RO).
The Matrix interface to ADP performs two simple func-
Repair Order Validation
The first is to ensure that the repair order entered by the
user, either at a meter or at a Matrix PC, is a valid repair
order. Matrix checks with the ADP DMS and confirms
that the repair order exists, is open, and has a status
that allows fluid charges to be added to it. If these three
criteria are satisfied, Matrix allows fluid to be dispensed
against the repair order; otherwise, fluid cannot be dis-
Repair Order Posting
The second and primary function of the interface is to
apply the appropriate charge for the fluid dispensed by
Matrix on the correct ADP RO. Optionally, the interface
can add non-fluid parts to the RO, as described in
Matrix/ADP Interface beginning on page 28. The pro-
cess of adding parts or other charges to an ADP RO is
referred to as “posting” charges in Matrix.
By default, when Matrix is installed, the ADP interface is
disabled. The screen shown in F
IG. 97 displays the inter-
face in the enabled state. The Graco Matrix distributor
installs and configures the Matrix system with the inter-
face in the default disabled state. A Graco Technical
Support person assists the dealer to enable and test the
interface connection between Matrix and the DMS as
the last step in commissioning the system.
Dealer Management System (DMS)
General Settings
The ADP DMS Connection Setup form shown in F
98 is used to define DMS connection information and
testing of the connection between Matrix and the DMS.
IG. 97 Matrix / ADP Interface Setup
FIG. 98 ADP DMS Connection Setup