System Administrator Screens
58 311427D
Sale Price is the price at which this fluid part number
will be posted to the ADP RO, overriding the pricing
structure for this part number on the DMS. If left blank,
the default DMS pricing structure will be used.
Fluid Quantity is the quantity of this part number to add
to the RO. If the field is left blank, the quantity used is
the adjusted dispense amount (the actual dispense
amount rounded up or down, according to the Adjusted
Volume field on the unit pricing page for this fluid).
Include Selected Oil Filter(s) requires a Yes or No
• If Yes is selected, any parts attached to RO from the
oil filter category of parts are charged at the sale
price listed here instead of the DMS pricing. (See
Matrix/ADP Interface beginning on page 28.)
• If the sale price is left blank, the DMS price for the
filter is used.
• If No is selected, the feature is not used and normal
DMS pricing is applied to any oil filter.
Include Additional Parts has a list of up to three parts,
quantities, and sale prices that can be added to the RO
automatically whenever this menu is used.
• If the sale price is left blank, the DMS price is used.
• The sale price cannot be zero.
• Leaving the quantity blank is the same as specifying
a zero quantity – the part will not be added to the
Typical Menu Pricing Scenarios:
Menu Pricing Scenario #1 (F
IG. 107):
A dealership wants all dispenses of this fluid that occur
between 7am and 11am, Monday through Friday, and
fall into the range 1.0-5.0 quarts to be charged as 4.0
quarts. In F
IG. 107, part number 1234 represents 1
quart of 5W-30 oil. The pricing structure loaded for this
part number on the DMS will apply.
IG. 107