
6 - 151
6.16.14 Parameter block change (PB)
Code PB
Function Parameter block change
The parameter block of the specified No. is used.
Parameter block change command
pb ;P
Parameter block No.
(1) The numerical value following PB is used as a parameter block No..
(2) The parameter block value may also be specified indirectly by a variable, D, W or
# (2-word data).
(3) Any of 1 to 64 may be specified as the parameter block value.
Specifying any other value than the above will result in a "Format error". (error
code : 560)
(4) Once given, the parameter block change command is valid until the parameter
block change command is given again.
However, when a torque limit value change (TL) is executed, the specified torque
limit value is used.
(5) When a parameter block change (PB) is executed during a torque limit value
change (TL), the torque limit value in the new parameter block is used.
(6) When a parameter block change is executed during a constant-speed motion, the
axis decelerates to a stop once and the next constant-speed motion is executed.
G01 X100. F500. ;
PB3 ;
G01 X200. ;
Deceleration to a stop at X100.
After that, parameter block 3 is used.
(7) The home position return (G28) uses the following parameters.
(a) Home position return request ON…………Parameter block is specified home
position return parameters.
(b) Home position return request OFF…..……Parameter block at the axis
designation program start.
(8) The parameter block change command cannot be described in the same block as
another command.
(9) If a cancel start is made during a parameter block change, the start program uses
the parameter block for execution of the start program.
(10) A parameter block change (PB) is valid at the next travel.