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(5) Operation setting for incompletion of home position return
(a) Operation in selecting "0: Execute Motion program"
1) When "0: Execute Motion program" is set in all axes among axes
specified at Motion program start, the Motion program can be executed
regardless of ON/OFF of the home position return request signal
(Note): Axis name described in axis designation program start by the
SVST, CALL or GOSUB/GOSUBE instruction.
(b) Operation in selecting "1: Not execute G-code of Motion program except
1) When "1: Not execute G-code of Motion program except G28" is set
even by one axis among axes specified at Motion program start, and the
home position return request signals (M2409+20n) are turned ON for all
axes specified at Motion program start, the practicable instructions in
started Motion program are shown below.
G28 (Home position return)
Practicable instructions
All controlled instructions
2) In case of above 1), when the travel instruction by the G-code except
G28 is executed to all axes specified at Motion program start, a minor
error [error code: 680] occurs and Motion program ends.
3) In case of above 1), G28 is executed in the beginning of Motion
program, and if the home position return request signals (M2409+20n)
are turned OFF for all axes specified at Motion program start, after that,
normal travel instruction can be executed.
4) JOG operation and manual pulse generator operation can be executed
regardless of the home position return request signal (M2409+20n)
5) Same operation is executed regardless of absolute position system or
not. When "1: Not execute G-code of Motion program except G28" is
selected in the case of not absolute position system, the home position
return request signal (M2409+20n) turns ON at power supply ON or
reset of Motion CPU and power supply ON of servo amplifier. Therefore,
it must be executed any of the followings.
• Home position return by CHGA instruction before Motion program start.
• Home position return by G28
6) Same operation is executed in also TEST mode.
If the all axes specified at Motion program start are not condition of home position
return completion in the Motion program execution, it can be set using this function,
as the Motion program operation except home position return is not possible.
Therefore, when it interferes with another axis for incompletion of home position
return even if it is an axis for completion of home position return, the travel
instruction cannot be executed until it becomes the home position return
completion for all axes specified at Motion program start.