92 Ray54 VHF Radio
Area of Operation
AC: Atlantic Coast, Gulf and St. Lawrence River up to and including Montreal
EC (East Coast): includes NL, AC, GL and Eastern Arctic areas
GL: Great Lakes (including St. Lawrence above Montreal)
NL: Newfoundland and Labrador
PC: Pacific Coast
WC (West Coast): Pacific Coast, Western Arctic and Athabasca-Mackenzie Watershed areas
All areas: includes East and West Coast areas
1. The letter “A” following a channel number indicates simplex use of the ship station transmit
side of an international duplex channel. Operations are different from that of international
operations on that channel.
2. Channel 16 is used for calling other stations or for distress alerting.
3. The letter “B” following a channel number indicates simplex use of the coast station transmit
side of an international duplex channel. That is, the channel is Receive Only.
4. Channel 70 is used exclusively for Digital Selective Calling (DSC) and is not available for
regular voice communications.
5. Channels 75 and 76 are reserved as guard bands for Channel 16 and are not available for reg-
ular voice communications.
85 157.275 161.875 AC, GL, NL Ship/Shore and Public Correspondence
86 157.325 161.925 PC Ship/Shore and Public Correspondence
87 157.375 161.975 AC, GL, NL Ship/Shore and Public Correspondence
88 157.425 162.025 AC, GL, NL Ship/Shore and Public Correspondence
Area of
Operation Use