Chapter 4: General Operations 23
4.9 Transmitting
Press and hold the Push-to-Talk (PTT) key on the microphone to transmit on
the selected channel, then release to receive. The TX indicator appears during
Note: International regulations and good communications practice dictate
that you not interfere with other communications. Before transmitting, listen
to make sure the channel is clear.
The radio is equipped with a timeout timer in the event of a stuck key. After
PTT has been held continuously for 5 minutes, transmission is discontinued
and the radio automatically returns to receive mode. An Error beep is emitted
10 seconds before the time out is triggered and TX flashes on the display until
PTT is released.
The TX time out timer is reset once the PTT key is released.
Note: If the current channel is receive-only, an alert tone sounds when PTT
is pressed, indicating such a transmission is not permitted.
4.10 Using the Scan Modes
The Ray54 is equipped with four types of scan options: All Scan, Saved
(Memory) Scan, Priority All Scan and Priority Saved Scan. If there are no
channels in memory, the default is All Scan.
This function automatically searches for broadcasting channels. If a
transmission is received, the scan stops on the receiving channel as long as it
is present. If the signal is lost for five seconds, the radio resumes scanning.
During the Scan Modes:
• Press the microphone Channel UP/DOWN keys or rotate the CH knob on
the main unit to change the scan direction. UP (CH key)/clockwise (CH
knob) increments the channel while DOWN (CH key) /counterclockwise
(CH knob) decrements it.
• Press and release SCAN/SAVE to terminate the SCAN mode.
• Press and release CLEAR/WX to terminate the SCAN mode.
• Press 16/9 to terminate the SCAN mode and tune to the Priority Channel.
• DW/TRI and HILO/USER keys are disabled.