32 Ray54 VHF Radio
5.1 DSC Call Function
DSC Call Mode is used to initiate DSC Individual, Group, All Ships, Distress
and Position Request calls and to access the DSC Call Logs and Phonebook.
The channel remains unchanged and you can perform normal TX operation.
DSC mode is exited when transmitting.
Press and release the CALL/MENU key while in normal operation mode to
enter DSC Call Mode.
Note: Distress calls are made using the DISTRESS key.
The Ray54’s DSC Call type and structure are as follows:
DSC Call Type Description
INDIVIDUAL Makes a ROUTINE DSC call to a specific station identified by its MMSI
GROUP Sends transmissions that are only received by radios that share a common
Group MMSI number. Up to 3 Group MMSI numbers can be stored and
ALL SHIPS Sends out a message to all ships within range that you need assistance but
the situation is not serious enough for a Distress Call. All Ships calls should
only be used if hailing for assistance on channel 16 fails. There are two
types of All Ships Calls: SAFETY for advisory alerts and URGENCY for assis-
tance when life is not in immediate danger.
DISTRESS Sends out the position and time information from the input NMEA data
along with your MMSI number. This digital information lets other ships
and shore stations equipped with appropriate DSC equipment know
where you are and that you are in a Distress situation.