Appendix C: Glossary 97
Appendix C: Glossary
Term Meaning
All Scan A feature that scans all channels.
Canadian Channels Channel designator as defined by Industry Canada.
CH Channel selection key
DSC Digital Selective Calling
Dual Watch A feature that monitors the Priority Channel 16 while working on
another channel.
Duplex Transmit and receive on different frequencies
FCC Federal Communications Commission (US)
International Channels Channel designator as defined by the ITU
ITU International Telecommunications Union (EU)
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
MMSI Maritime Mobile Service Identity; a number issued by each country
to identify maritime stations
NOAA National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (USA)
Priority Channel Channel 16 or 9
Priority Scan (PSCAN) A feature that alternates monitoring the Priority Channel 16 with
each of the regular channels
PTT switch Microphone push-to-talk switch
RF Radio Frequency
RX Receive
Saved Scan Scans only user-selected memory channels
Simplex Transmit and receive on the same frequency
Squelch A circuit that sets the threshold for cutting off the receiver when the
signal is too weak for reception of anything but noise.
TX Transmit
Tri Watch A function that monitors the Priority Channel and the Secondary
Priority Channel while working on another channel.
US Channels Channel designations as defined by the FCC.