Chapter 6: Menu Settings 65
2. Push in the CH knob. The arrow is pointing to MANUAL POS.
3. Push CH again to accept. The Manual Position screen appears.
4. Using the CH knob, fill in the Lat/Lon information, one character at a
time. The first character space is highlighted with a flashing underline.
i. Rotate the CH knob to scroll through the selections.
Note: The last selection in each field is a left arrow (<), which repre-
sents a BACKSPACE. Accepting the arrow returns the current char-
acter to its default value and moves you back to the previous position.
ii. When the desired character appears, push in the CH knob to accept it.
The next character to be filled in sequence is underlined (_).
iii. Continue this process until all latitude data been selected.
You can also press the microphone UP/ DOWN keys to select each char-
acter and then press the microphone HI/LO key to accept.