
ADF (Automatic Document Feeder):
A device which feeds the pages of a multi-page document one at a time, in the order that you
arranged the pages in the stack.
Batch Numbering (Page Count):
This is a way of numbering pages that allows you to check whether you received all pages, and if
not, which ones are missing. For example, if you receive two pages with p1/3 printed on one and
p2/3 on the other, you have just received a three-page document but page 3 didn’t make it.
BPS (Bits Per Second):
This is the data communication rate. In G3 mode, your fax terminal digitizes documents,
transforming them into ’bits’ -
binary digits - (an average page will produce about 200,000 of them),
and then sends them out at a top speed of 9,600 to 14,400 bps, depending on the model.
In G3 fax communication terminology, broadcasting is the transmission of a document to more
than one address in sequence, not simultaneously.
This committee sets international standards for communication.
Transmission or reception.
When used as a noun, this refers to a printout, either in copy mode or receive mode
Country Code:
In international dialing, this is the code that directs the call to the country where the terminal that
you wish to send to is located.
Called Subscriber Identification.
page 173.
Default Setting:
See "Factory Setting".
Dial Pulses:
These are dialing signals that your terminal sends out if it uses pulse dialing (
page 176).
This is the original page or set of pages that you wish to send.
DPI (Dots Per Inch), or l/mm (Lines Per Millimeter):
This is the unit of resolution. The scanner scans your document according to the selected
resolution. An 8-1/2" x 11" page is broken down into about 1,728,000 dots if standard resolution is
used. (Digital compression techniques for G3 convert these into about 200,000 bits.)
ECM (Error Correction Mode): This is a signaling method that is designed to eliminate
transmission errors on even the noisiest of telephone lines. See page 66.
This is a proprietary digital data compression technique. It shortens the time for sending a page.
Factory Setting:
The factory setting of a function is the state into which it was programmed at the factory; this will
also be the state of that function in a new machine. It can also referred to as "Default Setting".
Memory File, Polling File.
Group 3:
This is an internationally-agreed signaling and data transfer method used for facsimile
communication (approved by ITU-T). It is also known as G3.