Possible Problems
You want to take out the document
Open the scanner, and take out the document.
Caution: Do not pull out the document without opening the scanner, or you
will damage the machine.
You want to send more than 30 pages
While the last page is being fed in, place more pages (up to 30) in the feeder.
You made a mistake while dialing
If you already pressed Start, press Stop immediately.
If you haven’t pressed Start yet, press either:
❐ No. The entire number is deleted. Enter a new number.
❐ Clear . Only the last digit is deleted.
Check Display Indicator is blinking
❐ If " " appears in the display:
Take out the document (see page 140). Then redial the destination.
❐ If " " appears in the display:
If the Communicating lamp is not lit, press Stop.
If the Communicating lamp is lit, wait until it goes out, then press Stop.
The buzzer is Ringing
The other party wishes to speak with you. Proceed as shown below.