Immediate Transmission as Your First Choice
The default mode of your machine is Memory Transmission. If you wish, you can
change this home position to Immediate Transmission.
The procedure is as follows (see page 168 if you need more information about the
User Parameter settings adjustment procedure).
1. Function 6 2 2 2 2 6 3 and Yes.
❐ At this time, you can print a User Parameter
List if you press and Start.
2. Press Yes.The settings for switch 00 are
now shown on the bottom line of the dis-
The setting that you need to change is
that for digit 6.
3. If you wish to change the setting, press 6
on the ten keypad.
Digit 6 (Double underlined)
0: Memory Transmission
1: Immediate Transmission
4. Finish: Yes and Function.
Using the Stamp
Press the Stamp key to achieve the transmission verification stamp. When the
Stamp indicator is lit, the machine stamps a small mark on the bottom of each
page. During memory transmission, the stamp indicates that the page was
successfully stored. For immediate transmission, it shows that the page was sent
successfully. You must switch the stamp on before you press Start, or the
machine will not stamp the first page.
Changing the Stamp Home Position Setting
If you wish to change the Stamp default setting, do the following.
(See page 168 if you need more information about the User Parameter settings
adjustment procedure).
1. Function 6 2 2 2 2 6 3 and Yes.
At this time, you can print a User Pa-
rameter List if you press and Start.