5. Either:
❐ To add RTIs/CSIs to this number: In-
put an RTI/CSI and press Yes. Then
go to step 7.
❐ To edit RTI’s/CSI’s allocated to this
number: press until the RTI/CSI
you wish to edit appears. Then press
Yes. Go to step 6.
6. Either:
❐ Edit the RTI/CSI and press Yes.
Then go to step 7.
❐ To delete the RTI/CSI: No and Yes.
Then go to step 5.
CAUTION: If you delete all the RTIs and CSIs for a forwarding station, you
must also delete the forwarding station (see step 3).
If you do not do this, all incoming messages will be
forwarded to that station.
7. To store it as a wild card: Yes.
Otherwise: No.
8. Either:
❐ Edit or input another RTI/CSI for this
forwarding station: Press Yes and
Go to step 3.
❐ To work on another forwarding sta-
tion: press No. Go to step 2.
❐ Finish: Function.
Note: If you switch the forwarding on and program no RTI/CSI, all incoming
messages are forwarded.