90 Enterprise Fabric Suite 2007 User Guide • September 2008
3. Enter a security group name and select a security group type (ISL, Port, or MS).
Remember, only one security group type (1 ISL, 1 Port, 1 MS) in each security set
is allowed. The naming conventions for security groups are:
■ Must start with a letter
■ All alphanumeric chars [aA- zZ] [0-9]
■ The symbols $ _ - and ^ are the only symbols allowed
4. Click the OK button to save the change.
Create a Security Group Member Dialog
Use the Create a Security Group Member dialog (FIGURE 4-7) to add a member to a
security group. Choose options in the Group Member (or manually type in a hex
value) and Authentication drop-down lists. The Group Member WWN drop-down
list identifies the currently attached WWNs. Enter values in the Primary/Secondary
Secret, Confirm Primary/Secondary, and Domain ID Binding (ISL groups only)
FIGURE 4-7 Create a Security Group Member Dialog
The conventions for ISL security group members are listed below:
■ You can enter member world wide name (WWN), which must be 16 hex
characters, or 23 characters with valid WWN format xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx.
■ The authentication choices are None and Chap.
■ Primary and Secondary Hash fields: