Chapter 1 Using Enterprise Fabric Suite 2007 11
FIGURE 1-7 Preferences Dialog – Enterprise Fabric Suite 2007
To set preferences for your Enterprise Fabric Suite 2007 sessions, do the following:
1. Open the File menu, and select Preferences to open the Preferences dialog.
2. Enter or browse for the paths to the working directory and browser.
3. In the Application-wide Options area, choose the preferences you want.
4. Click the OK button to save the changes.
Using Online Help
The browser-based online help system can be accessed from the Enterprise Fabric
Suite 2007 application several ways. Online help is also context-sensitive, that is, the
online help opens to the topic that describes the dialog you have open.
To open the first topic in the help system, choose one of the following:
■ Open the Help menu and select Help Topics
■ Click the Help button in the tool bar
■ With no dialog displayed, press the F1 function key
To open the help system to the topic that describes the dialog you have open, choose
one of the following:
■ Click the Help button in the dialog
■ Press the F1 function key