50 Enterprise Fabric Suite 2007 User Guide • September 2008
Exporting Device Information to a File
To save device information to a file, open the topology display and do the following:
1. Select one or more switches in the graphic window. If no switches are selected,
Devices information is gathered for all switches.
2. Open the Switch menu and select Export Devices.
3. In the Save dialog, enter a file name. Select the extension for the type of output
file (CSV or text format) to be saved. CSV files can be opened with Microsoft
Excel or most spreadsheet applications.
4. Click the Save button.
Managing Nicknames for Fabric Devices
A nickname is a user-definable, meaningful name that can be used in place of the
world wide name. You can assign a nickname to a world wide name of a device.
Assigning a nickname makes it easier to recognize device ports when zoning your
fabric or when viewing the Devices data window. You can add, edit, delete, import
and export nicknames using the Nicknames dialog. A nickname must start with a
letter and can have up to 64 characters. Valid characters include alphanumeric
characters [aA-zZ][0-9] and special symbols [$ _ - ^ ].
Note – Nicknames are stored on switches with firmware 6.6 and later. However,
with 5.x firmware, nicknames are stored in an XML file on the workstation. To use
nicknames stored on a workstation with 5.x firmware, you must import the 5.x
nicknames XML file and save the changes. The maximum number of nicknames
allowed is 5000.
Creating a Nickname
To create a device port nickname, do the following:
1. Open the Fabric menu and select Nicknames to open the Nicknames dialog. The
device entries are listed in table format.
2. Choose one of the following methods to enter a nickname:
■ Double-click a cell in the Nicknames column, and enter a new nickname in
the text field. Click the Apply button to save the changes and open the Save
Nicknames dialog.