92 Enterprise Fabric Suite 2007 User Guide • September 2008
■ You can enter member world wide name (WWN), which must be 16 hex
characters, or 23 characters with valid WWN format xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx.
■ The authentication choices are None and Chap.
■ The (one) Secret field is disabled if authentication is None. If authentication is
Chap, the Secret field is enabled.
■ Enter the Confirm Primary field re-enter the primary hash key to validate the
primary secret.
■ The Generate button is only enabled when authentication is Chap.
Creating a Security Group Member
To add a member to a security group, do the following:
1. On the faceplate display, click the Security button on the toolbar, or open the
Security menu and select Edit Security to open the Edit Security dialog.
2. Choose one of the following methods to open the Create a Security Group
Member dialog:
■ In the graphic window, click a security group and click the Security Member
button in the toolbar.
■ Right-click on a security group and select Create Members from the popup
■ Open the Edit menu and select Create Members.
3. Open the Group Member drop-down list and select a Node world wide name.
The switch must be a member of any group in which authentication is used. You
can also type in a hex value.
4. Open the Authentication drop-down list, and select a type of protocol to be used
for the authentication process for that member: None (0 bytes) or Chap (16 bytes)
5. In the Secret area, enter an authentication "password" to be assigned to that
member. Or, you can click the Generate button to randomly generate a secret.
6. If using fabric binding, in the Domain ID Binding field (ISL groups only), enter
the domain ID (1-239) for the switch for the ISL group member. The WWN of the
switch must be at the specified domain ID when attempting to enter the fabric,
otherwise it will become isolated.
7. Click the OK button to close the Create a Security Group Member dialog.
Editing the Security Configuration on a Switch
To edit a security configuration on the switch, do the following: