164 Enterprise Fabric Suite 2007 User Guide • September 2008
TABLE 5-15 lists the entries in the Call Home Editor - Tech Support Center Profile
TABLE 5-15 Call Home Editor - Tech Support Center Profile Entries
Entry Description
Name The name automatically assigned to the profile. This profile
can not be changed or deleted, but the settings can be
Level The severity level of the event (Alarm, Critical, Warning).
The level of events processed by the profile to produce
Emails that will be sent to the Email addresses listed in the
Format The format used to compile and Email message in response
to an incoming event that is processed by the profile.
Allowed formats include ShortText, FullText, and Tsc1.
ShortText includes the minimum amount of detail to
describe the event and identify the switch sending the
message; it is the intended format for reading on mobile
electronic devices. FullText includes the same information as
ShortText and provides additional information to identify
switch location and contact information for switch
administrators; it is the intended format for reading via
standard Email clients. The Tsc1 format is similar to the
ShortText format but is compiled to simplify machine
processing of Email messages.
Max Size (650-2,000,000) The maximum number of bytes allowed for a Email
message compiled for the profile. Most Email messages are
relatively small, under 2KB. However, Emails that are
produced by a capture operation can be as large as 1MB due
to the inclusion of file attachments.
E-mail Subject The subject line in the Email that will be sent. The string
that is appended to the CallHome generated string for the
Email message subject line.
Enable Capture Select to enable or disable the capture operations for the
profile. Only the Tech Support Center profile is allowed to
define and execute capture operations on the switch.
Time of Day The time of day, in HH:MM format, when the capture
operation will be executed on the switch. Only the Tech
Support Center profile is allowed to define and execute
capture operations on the switch. The default is 02:30.