Math FFT
TDS1000/2000-Series Digital Oscilloscope User Manual
Measuring an FFT Spectrum Using Cursors
You can take two measurements on FFT spectrums: magnitude
(in dB) and frequency (in Hz). Magnitude is referenced to 0 dB,
where 0 dB equals 1 V
. You can use the cursors to take
measurements at any zoom factor.
" Source and select Math. Push the Type opt ion
button to select between Magnitude and Frequency. Use the Vertical
Position knobs to move cursors 1 and 2.
Use horizontal cursors to me asure magnitude and verti cal cursors to
measure frequency. The options display the delta between the two
cursors, the value at cursor 1 position, and the value a t cursor 2
position. Delta is the absolute value of cursor 1 minus cursor 2.
Magnitude cursors
Frequency cursors
You can also take a frequency measurement. To do so, turn the
Horizontal Position knob to position a frequency component on the
center graticule line and read the frequency at the top right of the