Application Examples
TDS1000/2000-Series Digital Oscilloscope User Manual
NOTE. Most video systems use 75 ohm cabling. The oscilloscope
inputs do not properly terminate low impedance cabling. To avoid
amplitude inaccuracy from improper loading and reflec tions, place a
75 ohm feedthrough terminator (Tektronix part number 011--0055--02
or equivalent) between the 75 ohm coaxial cable from the signal
source and the oscilloscope BNC input.
Triggering on Video Fields
Automatic. To trigger on the video fields, follow these ste ps:
1. Push the AUTOSET button. When Autoset is complete, the
oscilloscope displays the video signal with sync on All Fields.
2. Push the Odd Field or Even Field option buttons from the
AUTOSET Menu to sync on odd or even fields only.
Manual. An alternative method requires more steps, but may be
necessary depending on the video signal. To use the method, follow
these steps:
1. Push the TRIG MENU button to see the Trigge r Menu.
2. Push the top option button and select Video.
3. Push the Source option button and select CH1.
4. Push the Sync option button a nd select All Fields, Odd Field,or
Even Field.
5. Push the Standard option button and select NTSC.
6. Turn the horizontal SEC/DIV knob to see a complete field across
the screen.
7. Turn the vertical VOL TS/DIV knob to ensure that the entire
video signal is visible on the screen.