
Understanding Oscilloscope Functions
TDS1000/2000-Series Digital Oscilloscope User Manual
This method allows you to take measurements by moving the
cursors, which always appear in pairs, and reading their numeric
values from the display readouts. There a re t wo types of cursors:
Voltage and Time.
When you use cursors, be sure to set the Source to the waveform on
the display that you want to measure.
To use cursors, push the CURSOR button.
Voltage Cursors. Voltage cursors appear as horizontal lines on the
display and measure the vertical parameters.
Time Cursors. Time cursors appear as vertical lines on the display and
measure the horizontal parameters.
The MEASURE Menu can take up to five automatic measurements.
When you take automatic measurements, the oscilloscope does all
the calculating for you. Because the measurements use the waveform
record points, they are more accurate than the grat icule or cursor
Automatic measurements use readouts to show measurement results.
These readouts are update d peri odically as the oscilloscope acquires
new data.
For measurement descriptions, refer to page 94 in the Re ference