Understanding Oscilloscope Functions
TDS1000/2000-Series Digital Oscilloscope User Manual
When you push the RUN/STOP or SINGLE SEQ buttons to start an
acquisition, the oscilloscope goes through the following steps:
1. Acquires enough data to fill t he portion of the waveform record
to the left of the trigger point. This is also called the pretrigger.
2. Continues to acquire data while waiting for the trigger condition
to occur.
3. Detects the trigger condition.
4. Continues to acquire data until the waveform record is full.
5. Displays the newly-acquired waveform.
NOTE. For Edge and Pulse triggers, the oscilloscope counts the rate
at which trigger events occur to determine trigger frequency and
displays the frequency in the lower right corner of the screen.
You can use the Trigge r Source options to select the signal that the
oscilloscope uses as a trigger. The source can be any signal
connected to a channel BNC, to the EXT TRIG BNC or the AC
power line (available only with Edge triggers).