Hardware Troubleshooting
Unable to Print
11/21/13 P1043301-005
4. See Figure 35. You see a reply from the print server indicating a connection.
Figure 35 • Example of a Successful Ping
If the issue is a communication problem, you would have received an error message.
Open a telnet session to send a ZPL command from a DOS prompt.
To print a configuration label by sending a ZPL II command, complete these
1. Open a DOS window.
To open a DOS window, click on
Start > Run.
2. In the Open text box, type: cmd
3. From the DOS prompt, type:
telnet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 9100
where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the IP address of the print server.
This will connect your PC to the print server through the parallel port of the printer.
4. Enter ~WC.
This ZPL command will print a configuration label on your printer.
5. Click the X in the upper right-hand corner of the window to exit.
If the configuration label prints, the issue is not a communication problem between the printer,
the print server, or the PC.
Note • You do not need to open a telnet session if you pinged the printer using the previous
procedure. The purpose of these two procedures is to identify whether your PC can
communicate with your printer.