P1043301-005 11/21/13
parallel port A port on a device that sends information in groups of bits over multiple
wires, one wire for each bit in a group.
ping A TCP/IP command that determines whether a device is accessible on the network.
POP3 Post Office Protocol, the protocol used to retrieve email from the server.
port A physical connector, such as the parallel port, or a logical connection to a device.
post-string A string that is sent at the end of every job going to the logical printer.
Maximum 64 characters long.
pre-string A string that is sent at the beginning of each job that goes to the logical printer.
Max 64 characters long.
print server A device in a network that changes a network protocol into a printer protocol.
protocol A method of sending and receiving data between two or more workstations on a
network, and ensuring that the data is received without errors.
Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (PEAP) A draft standard for a
common approach to wireless-network user authentication.
• A form of 802.1X authentication
• Currently an IETF draft (still subject to change)
• Performs mutual client/server authentication using transport layer security (TLS), but only
requires a server certificate
• With no client certificate, configuration is easier than EAP-TLS
RARP Reverse Arp, a standard TCP/IP method of determining a device’s IP address based
on its Ethernet address.
raw TCP port A type of TCP port in which data is passed unmodified to the receiving node.
RJ45 A type of modular jack connector similar to a telephone connector with up to eight
wires. Used for 10BASE-T and 100BASE-T Ethernet connections and for serial port
serial port On a printer or print server, a port that transfers data one bit at a time. Serial ports
usually have either a 25-pin, 9-pin “D,” or RJ-45 connector setting mode (parallel port).
A mode that the print server is set to for the highest level of parallel port communications.
server A device on a local area network that provides services to client computers on the
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, a protocol used to send email messages over the
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol, a protocol for monitoring and controlling
devices on a network.