Getting Started
Assigning an IP Address on any Print Server
P1043301-005 11/21/13
Assigning an IP Address Without DHCP via a Telnet Session
The methods used for assigning an IP address with a Telnet session are Static Route and
Before you can Telnet to the print server and configure it, you must first assign the print server
a temporary IP address.
Static Route
To use this method, complete these steps:
1. Turn on (I) the printer and wait for 2 minutes to allow for the device to complete the
During this time, the print server performs an address broadcast. If no address is assigned
to the unit (via DHCP or BootP), it uses a default address. The default address for print
server is Print the print server configuration label to confirm the
address. For details, see Before You Begin on page 43.
2. You can use the route add command to place the default IP address into the
workstation's network routing table.
3. At the workstation/host command prompt (in Windows, at the DOS prompt), type:
route add **** "IP address of the workstation" 0
where **** is the IP address on any print server configuration label
4. Telnet to the print server by typing:
"Telnet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"
The password is 1234.
5. At this point, you can alter the settings as desired. When complete, do a reset and allow
the print server self-test to complete before proceeding with any communications activity.
Important • This applies to any TCP/IP capable workstation/host networked with the Zebra
printer. Both, the workstation/host and the print server, must be on the same network
Note • The zero (0) placed at the end of the “route add” command is optional on some