Frequently Asked Questions
11/21/13 P1043301-005
UDP Ports:
• 161 SNMP broadcast from print server
• 162 SNMP trap on ZebraNet Alert
• 4201 discovery destination on print server
• (dynamic) SNMP get request from ZebraNet Bridge
• (dynamic) discovery broadcast from ZebraNet Bridge
• (dynamic) discovery broadcast from ZebraNet Bridge
What is the default User ID and password for the print server?
• The User ID is admin and the password is 1234.
What are my network connectivity options based on when using a print
It depends on your environment, but the print server accepts print jobs in any of the following
• FTP — ZPL/EPL files can be sent to the printer via a FTP client as standard ASCII files.
• HTTP — (ZebraLink-enabled printers only) Using the script option of the print server’s
homepage, you can type ZPL into a specified location of the Web browser and send it to
the printer.
• IPP — Using third-party IPP clients, print jobs can be sent via the Internet.
• LPR/LPD — Sometimes referred to as queue based printing. LPR/LPD is the standard in
network printing. Most TCP/IP operating systems are compatible with this option.
• Raw socket connection — You can connect to the printer directly via the network,
bypassing everything in-between. This option is commonly used to integrate ZPL/EPL
into existing programs, such as VB scripts.
• POP3 — With proper configuration, you can place ZPL/EPL files into the body of an
email, and it will print. The print server periodically checks this email box at the specified
intervals and prints the body of the message. IMPORTANT: Attachments and subject lines
are not supported.