Getting Started
Determining the Active Print Server
P1043301-005 11/21/13
Active Device Selection
Your active print server selection is dependent on the model of printer or print engine that you
If your printer is
• S4M
• ZT210
• ZT220
• ZT230
Only one print server (wired or wireless) can be installed at a
time. Thus, the print server installed is the primary print server.
• 105SL
• XiIIIPlus
• R110Xi
• R170Xi
• Z4Mplus
• Z6Mplus
• PAX4
• R110PAX4
You may select which installed device is the primary network
device. The printer will try to use the primary network device as
the active print server before trying the other installed options.
These printers and print engines use X60.16.x or later firmware.
The default for the printer is to
skip the check for a wired print
server during bootup. This makes the wireless print server the
primary network device if a wireless print server is installed. To
change this default and allow the wired print server to be the
primary network device when it is connected, use one of the
following methods to tell the printer to check for a wired print
server at bootup time:
• the WIRED PS CHECK parameter on the control panel
• the ^NB ZPL command
Table 14 identifies which device becomes the active print server
under various conditions.
• Xi4
• R110Xi4
• ZD500R
• ZM400
• ZM600
• ZT410
• ZT420
• RZ400
• RZ600
• ZE500
• 105SLPlus
These printers support the simultaneous installation of an
internal, external, and a wireless print server. Even though all
three print servers may be installed, only one is connected to the
network and is the active print server.
Table 15 outlines priorities and identifies which device becomes
the active print server when multiple print servers are installed.
You may select whether the wired or wireless print server will be
the primary connection by using one of the following methods:
• the PRIMARY NETWORK parameter on the control panel
• the ^NC ZPL command