Current Monitor Full Scale Calibration
Note: This procedure requires that I-MON ZERO (A2R8) be adjusted within specifications. If it is not, perform
the Current Monitor Zero Calibration before proceeding.
a. Connect Rm current-monitoring shunt:
(1milliohm, 6031A)
(10 milliohm, 6030A, 6032A)
(100 milliohm, 6035A)
0.05% or better across power supply output terminals.
b. Send string:
"VSET 5; ISET 17; OUT ON" (6030A)
"VSET 5; ISET 120; OUT ON" (6031A)
"VSET 5; ISET 50; OUT ON" (6032A)
"VSET 5; ISET 5; OUT ON" (6035A)
c. Attach DVM from
M to IM on the rear panel. Use six-digit display on Agilent 3458A DVM.
d. Take initial reading from DVM.
e. Attach DVM across Rm. Allow several minutes (3 or more) to ensure thermal settling. This can be noted as a stable
reading on the DVM.
f. Adjust A2R9 (I-MON F.S.) to:
0.034 * initial reading ±33.5µV (6030A)
0.024 * initial reading ±80.0µV (6031A)
0.100 * initial reading ±0.4mV (6032A)
0.100 * initial reading ±67.0µV (6035A)
Constant Current Full Scale Calibration
Note: This procedure requires that CC PROG ZERO (A8R29) and I-MON F. S. (A2R9) be adjusted within
specifications. If they are not, perform Constant Current Zero and/or Current Monitor Full Scale
Calibration before proceeding.
a. Connect Rm current-monitoring shunt:
( 1 milliohm, 6031A)
( 10 milliohm, 6030A, 6032A)
(100 milliohm, 6035A)
0.05% or better across power supply output terminals.
b. Send string:
"VSET 5; ISET 17; OUT ON" (6030A)
"VSET 5, ISET 120; OUT ON'' (6031A)
"VSET 5, ISET 50; OUT ON" (6032A)
''VSET 5; ISET 5; OUT ON" (6035A)
c. Attach DVM across Rm. Allow several minutes (3 or more) to ensure thermal settling.
d. Adjust A8R55 (CC PROG F.S.) to:
1.70V ±0.1mV (6030A)
0.12V ±3.0µV (6031A)
0.50V ±30µV (6032A)
0.50V ±40µV (6035A)