This command sets the time for the PE1005
internal clock. The time is saved and displayed
in 24-hour format.
Command Format: [SETTIMEhhmmssCi]
hh = Time in hours (hh = 00 to 23)
mm = Time in minutes (mm = 00 to 59)
ss = Time in seconds (ss = 00 to 59)
Ci = Unit ID (i = # from 1 to 99)
The current time is 07:30AM. Set the internal
clock to this time and then verify the time is set
by sending the following commands:
The display will be similar to the following:
TIME: 07:30:05
21. [SETDAY]
This command is used to program the internal
clock with the day of the week.
Command Format: [SETDAYwCi]
w = day of the week (w = # from 1 to 7)
1 = Sunday
2 = Monday
3 = Tuesday
4 = Wednesday
5 = Thursday
6 = Friday
7 = Saturday
Ci = Unit ID (i = # from 1 to 99)
Set the day to Monday and then read back the
day to verify the setting by sending the following
The feedback from the [RDDAY] command will
be as follows:
DAY: Monday
This command is used to program the internal
clock with the current date.
Command Format: [SETDATEmmddyyCi]
mm = Month (mm=01 to 12)
dd = Date (dd=01 to 31)
yy = Year (yy = 00 to 99)
Ci = Unit ID (i = # from 1 to 99)
Set the date to June 1, 2005 and then read back
the date for verification by sending the following
The feedback will be as follows:
DATE: 06-01-05
23. [RDTIME]
This command reads back the time from internal
Command Format: [RDTIMECi]
Ci = Unit ID (i = # from 1 to 99)
Feedback Format: hh:mm:ss
The current time is 08:40PM. Read back the
time by sending the command [RDTIME] and
receiving the following feedback:
TIME: 20:40:00
24. [RDDAY]
This command reads the current day of the
week from the internal clock.
Command Format: [RDDAYCi]
Ci = Unit ID (i = # from 1 to 99)
The day is Monday. Read the day from the
internal clock by sending the command
[RDDAY] and receiving the following feedback:
DAY: Monday