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a CXR Equipment on the remote LAN: MD20BT or MD2HUB, CV20BT, FO80BT or
2.3. Installation and initial set-up
SeriaLAN is easy to install. The serial rate is established by the clocks of the DCE. The only
need is to set the serial mode (RS-530 by default).
2.4. Configuration
SeriaLAN is managed through either access :
From its RS232 console port (ADMIN port on the front panel), set up for VT.100
emulation at 19,200 , 8 bits, no parity. Configuration is controlled through VT100
menus organized into thematic parts.
From its RS232 console port, thanks to a set of AT commands that control all
parameters of the unit (19,200 BPS, 8,N, 1)
Through the LAN or WAN with a Telnet session. An IP address must be set up in the