Operating Tips
To reduce overspray and obtain
maximum efficiency, always spray
with the towest possible fluid/air
• Hold the gun perpendicular to the
surface, 4_'to 6 _'distance,
• Two thin coats witl produce a
better finish than one heavy coat,
• Mask off areas not being
• FoIIow contour.
• Overtap each stroke 50%.
• Ends are feathered by triggering.
That is, begin stroke before
puiiing trigger and reieasing just
before ending the stroke•
• Spray edges and corners first.
This witl reduce overspray while
providing good coverage on
Correct Spraying
Don't are strokes, move the gun
paraiieI to work.
Pattern should be
shaped as shown, if not
see "Troubleshooting"
Care should be exer-
cised when handling spray gun to
avoid damage to the orifice of the
air cap and tip of fluid nozzle.
Damage to these parts results in
irregular spray patterns.
Practice on a cardboard target to
make sure pattern size and
material consistency are correct
before spraying on actual project.
4-6 inches
Start Pull
Stroke Trigger
Coating should be even
and wet when spraying
t .... t
Release End of
Trigger Stroke
Incorrect Spraying
r /' I I _s
I I , ,'J ,
coating wiiI be coating wiiI be _ _ / / ,"
light at this point heavy at th+spoint _] ] s /
. - - e/z/,'
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D29783 10+ ENG