*IDN (Identification Number)
Query *IDN?
The *IDN? query allows the instrument to identify itself. It returns the string:
"HEWLETT-PACKARD,16500C,0,REV <revision_code>"
An *IDN? query must be the last query in a message. Any queries after the
*IDN? in the program message are ignored.
Returned Format HEWLETT-PACKARD,16500C,0,REV <revision code>
Four digit-code in the format XX.XX representing the current ROM revision.
Example OUTPUT XXX;"*IDN?"
*IST (Individual Status)
Query *IST?
The *IST query allows the instrument to identify itself during parallel poll by
allowing the controller to read the current state of the IEEE 488.1 defined
IST local message in the instrument. The response to this query is
dependent upon the current status of the instrument.
Figure 9-2 shows the *IST data structure.
Returned Format
<id> {0|1} 0 indicates the IST local message is true; 1 indicates the IST local
message is false.
Example OUTPUT XXX;"*IST?"
Common Commands
*IDN (Identification Number)