Chapter 1
CAUTION: Be sure not to touch the surface or terminals of the SJ-EN Ethernet option board while
the inverter is energized; otherwise there is the danger of electric shock.
CAUTION: The software lock modes described in the SJ300 inverter manual are NOT supported via
the SJ-EN option board. This means that network commands can bypass any software lock settings
configured via the inverter keypad. It is incumbent on the user to make sure no safety lockouts are
violated through network commands.
CAUTION: When configuring parameters with the standard keypad, the inverter checks for and
inhibits invalid parameter combinations when the STR key is pressed. The SJ-EN bypasses this check,
so it is incumbent on the user to make sure invalid configuration parameters or combinations are not
sent through network commands. Otherwise undesirable inverter behavior may occur.
CAUTION: Certain parameter data ranges vary depending on model and capacity. The SJ-EN does
NOT check to make sure these data are within range. It is incumbent on the user to make sure data for
these parameters is within range for the specific model and rating. These parameters are noted in the
parameter tables in the Appendix. Otherwise undesirable inverter behavior may occur.
The inverter firmware revision number is embedded within the inverter Manufacturing Number, which can be
found on the product nameplate. The SJ-EN Ethernet Interface option board is compatible only with SJ300 and
L300P series inverters with Revision Numbers HIGHER than those shown below.
8KT XXXXX XXXXX – for SJ300-xxxXFU 0.4 kW (0.5 hp) to 55 kW (75 hp), or
L300P-xxxXFU or L300P-xxxXBRM 1.5 kW (2 hp) to 75 kW (100 hp)
EMT XXXXX XXXXX – for SJ300-xxxXFU 75kW (100 hp) to 150 kW (200 hp), or
L300P-xxxXFU or L300P-xxxXBRM 90 kW
(125 hp) to 132 kW (175 hp)
Note: All inverters in the model number series L300P-xxxXFU2 are compatible with
the SJ-EN, regardless of revision number.
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