IRN37 - 160K - CC & IRN50 - 200H & IRN75 - 160K - 2S & IRN - 100 - 200H - 2S & IRN 250 - 300H - 2S
When a WARNING occurs, a large question mark will flash on the
display screen.
If multiple WARNINGS exist, the small up/down arrows will appear
in the upper right corner of the display screen. The multiple
WARNINGS can be seen by pressing the up and down arrow
buttons. Pressing the STATUS button will display the CURRENT
STATUS screen with the WARNING button indicating that a
WARNING still exists.
A WARNING will not cause the unit to shut down. The unit will
continue to run in its normal operation and the WARNING will
remain displayed until reset.
A Warning needs to be reset by the operator by pressing the RESET
button twice.
The possible Warning messages are as follows;
HIGH AIREND DISCHARGE TEMP − This will occur if the Airend
Discharge exceeds 97% of the alarm limit, 109° C (228° F) and is not
CHANGE COOLANT FILTER − This warning will occur if the high
side pressure is 1.4 bar (20 psig) greater than the low side pressure.
CHANGE INLET FILTER − This will occur if the Inlet Vacuum is
greater than 0.05 bar (0.7 psig).
CHANGE SEPR ELEMENT − This will occur if the pressure
differential across the separator is 1.0 bar (12 psig).
SENSOR FAILURE − This will occur if a sensor is recognized as
missing or broken.
HIGH DISCHARGE PRESS − Will occur if the unit is under the
control of an external device, such as an ISC, and the discharge
pressure is greater than the immediate stop pressure.
AUXILIARY WARNING 1 or 2 − Will occur if the auxiliary warning
input closes.
REMOTE PRESSURE SENSOR FAILURE (option) − This will occur
if the remote pressure sensor fails. If this happens, the lntellisys
will start using the package discharge pressure sensor to measure
system pressure.
CONDENSATE DRAIN ERROR − On 2 stage units, this will occur if
the condensate drain error contacts close while the unit is running.
SERVICE − Service warnings occur when the unit has operated a
certain number of hours, based on the total hours, or has operated
for a certain number of months, based on the real time clock.
Service warnings can have multiple levels, depending on the service
level selection.
This will be set prior to the compressor being shipped from the
factory. When a service warning occurs, contact your local IR service
The following alarms will only occur when the machine is not
running. These alarms are related to high temperature, power loss,
and sensor calibration. They will have the same display mode as
other alarms.
HIGH AIREND DISCH TEMP− Will occur if airend discharge
temperature is greater than 95% of 109° C (228° F).
CHECK SETPOINTS − Will occur if the controller has determined
that some of the data stored in memory contains unacceptable
INVALID CALIBRATION − Will occur if the sensor zero value is
−10% to +1% of its scale. See Sensor Calibration.