Reference Manual for the NETGEAR Storage Central SC101
v1.0, September 2005
Can I un-mirror a mirrored drive?
There is currently no option to remove mirroring for a mirrored drive. However, you can simply
power-off the unit and unplug one of the hard disk and power it on. The mirrored drive on the
plugged hard disk becomes a regular drive. After that, power off the unit and plug the second hard
disk back in and power it on, you will get a “broken mirror” drive on that second disk, which you
should delete to recover the storage space.
Why does the administrator password authentication show up sometimes, not all
the time? And why does it show two times sometimes?
The administrator password authentication is required for the following operations:
• Firmware upgrade
• Hard-disk name change
• Drive name and password change
• Delete an existing drive
For the same Storage Central Manager GUI session, it is authenticated the first time you try to run
one of the operations, after that, the same GUI session won’t need authentication again until you
exit and restart SCM.
The password authentication is done once for each hard disk on which the letter drive is created. In
case of a mirrored drive, it is created on two physical disks and therefore the authentication page
will come up two times, one for each hard disk.
Why doesn’t my old IDE drives show up?
ATA5 or below IDE drives are not supported, you need an ATA6 or above. If you plug in an ATA5
HD, after rebooting, the green power LED will flash four times periodically, to signal that an old
ATA5 or below IDE drive.
I created a shared drive on one PC. Why doesn’t it show up in other PCs?
After creating the shared drive on one PC, it doesn’t automatically show up on other PCs, you need
attach it once from the other PCs. You can use the “Attach drive” function in either the Wizard
Setup mode, or the Advanced Configuration mode to attach the shared drive, or any detached non-
shared drive.