STUDER Innotec Xtender
Installation and operating Instructions Xtender V1.3 Page 34
17 Table of standard configurations
No. of
Denomination / description
Units Fact.
1107 Maximum current of the AC source A 30
1108 Undervoltage of the empty battery V/cell 1.93
1109 Sub-voltage of the charged battery V/cell 1.75
1110 Restart voltage of the inverter after undervoltage of the battery V/cell 2
1111 Automatic startup at power up y/n no
1112 Inverter frequency Hz 50
1121 Maximum DC voltage for stopping the Xtender V/cell 2.84
1126 Source assistance (Smart Boost) permitted y/n no
1138 Battery charge current A 60
1139 Battery voltage correction according to the temperature mV/°C/
1140 Battery maintenance voltage V/cell 2.27
1143 Voltage 1 to allow a new battery cycle V/cell 2.1
1144 Duration of under voltage 1 to allow a new cycle min. 30
1145 Voltage 2 to allow a new battery cycle V/cell 1.93
1146 Duration of under voltage 2 to allow a new cycle sec. 180
1156 Battery absorption voltage V/cell 2.4
1157 Duration of absorption h 2
1159 Current at end of absorption Adc 10
1161 Minimum interval between absorptions h 3
1187 Sensitivity of the charge detection (100% approx.25W) % 10
1189 Time interval between load search pulses sec. 0.8
1190 Duration of undervoltage of battery before disconnection min. 3
1191 Dynamic compensation for undervoltage y/n yes
1194 Battery adaptive low voltage allowed o/n non
1195 Max voltage for adaptive low voltage V/cell 2.08
1198 Time elapsing before transfer relay opens sec. 8
1199 ACin voltage causing the opening of the transfer relay Vac 180
1200 Immediate open critical threshold for the transfer Vac 50
1246 Auxiliary contact 1 activated by voltage 1 {1247} after delays
y/n yes
1247 Voltage 1under which auxiliary contact 1 is activated V/cell 1.95
1248 Delays on voltage 1 to activate auxiliary contact 1 min. 1
1249 Auxiliary contact 1 activated by voltage 2 {1250} after delays
y/n yes
1250 Voltage 2 under which auxiliary contact 1 is activated V/cell 2
1251 Delays on voltage 2 to activate auxiliary contact 1 min. 10
1252 Auxiliary contact 1 activated by voltage 3 {1253} after delays
y/n yes
1253 Voltage 3 under which auxiliary contact 1 is activated V/cell 2.05
1254 Delays on voltage 3 to activate auxiliary contact 1 min. 60
1255 Voltage 1above which auxiliary contact 1 is deactivated after delays V/cell 2.25
1256 Delays on voltage {1255} to deactivate auxiliary contact 1 min. 60
1258 Auxiliary contact 1 activated by power 1 y/n yes
1259 Power 1 above which auxiliary contact 1 is activated after delays % 120
1260 Duration of power 1 for activating auxiliary contact 1 min. 1
1261 Auxiliary contact 1 activated by power 2 y/n yes
1262 Power 2 above which auxiliary contact 1 is activated after delays % 80
1263 Duration of power 2 for activating auxiliary contact 1 min. 5
1264 Auxiliary contact 1 activated by power 3 y/n no
1286 Output voltage Vac 230