Select/Connect the Adapter Plug
1. Select the adapter plug that fits securely into the power jack on your
portable device.
2. Locate the polarity symbol on your device in the area around the
power connector jack:
WARNING: myPower ALL Plus supports Center Positive polarity only. If your device has a Center
Negative polarity, do not power the device with myPower ALL Plus; contact support@tekkeon.com
for assistance.
3. Connect the adapter plug to the power output cord (but not the device).
If you are using a UA-xxx adapter (rather than
PA-xxx), you must insert the L34 adapter that
came with your myPower ALL Plus between the
adapter cord and UA-xxx adapter as shown.
CAUTION: If you change the adapter plug while the
power adapter cord is connected to myPower ALL
Plus, the voltage setting will reset to the lowest
voltage, which is the default voltage setting.
Center Negative
Center Positive
L34 Adapter for
myPower ALL Plus
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