
7 From the Clock Master drop-down list, select the trunk clock source from the drop-down
list. Choose either Recovered (the clock is recovered from the trunk -- default) or
Generated (the trunks clock source is provided by the internal TDM bus clock source,
according to the TDM Bus Clock Source parameter). For detailed information about the
TDM Bus Clock Source parameter, see the V7122 Digital Gateway User Guide.
8 From the Line Code drop-down list, select the line code. Choose either B8ZS (bipolar 8-
zero substitution) for T1 trunks only; HDB3 (high-density bipolar 3) for E1 trunks only; or
AMI (for both T1 and E1).
9 From the ISDN Termination Side drop-down list (applicable only to ISDN protocols),
select User Side when the PSTN or PBX side is configured as Network side, and
vice-versa. If you do not know the V7122 gateway ISDN termination side, choose User
Side and then open the Channel Status screen (by clicking the Home button). If the D-
channel alarm is indicated, choose Network Side.
10 To configure the different behavior bits: either enter the exact hexadecimal value of the
bits in the field to the right of the relevant behavior parameter, or directly configure each
bit field by completing the following steps:
a) Click the arrow button (-->) to the right of the relevant behavior parameter; the
relevant behavior screen appears.
b) Modify each bit field according to your requirements.
c) Click Submit to save your changes.
11 After modifying the parameters:
To apply the changes to the selected trunk only, click Apply Trunk Settings.
To apply the changes to all the trunks, click Apply to all Trunks.
The screen is refreshed and parameters become read-only (indicated by being grayed).
The Stop Trunk button appears at the bottom of the screen.
12 Access the TDM Bus Settings screen (click Advanced Configuration >TDM Bus
Settings). From the PCM Law Select drop-down list, select Alaw for E1 trunks and
MuLaw for T1 trunks.
13 To save the changes so they are available after a power fail:
a) Click Maintenance on the main menu bar; the Maintenance Actions screen is
b) From the Burn to FLASH drop-down list, select Yes and the click the Reset button; a
confirmation message appears when the save is complete.
For more detailed information about configuring the V7122 gateway trunk settings, see the
V7122 Digital Gateway User Guide.
V7122 Digital Gateway Installation Guide