Command Reference Guide Enable Mode Command Set
61200990L1-35E Copyright © 2005 ADTRAN 50
clear ip bgp [* | <as-number> | <ip address>] [in | out | soft]
Use the clear ip bgp command to clear BGP neighbors as specified.
Syntax Description
* Clears all BGP neighbors.
<as-number> Clears all BGP neighbors with the specified autonomous system (AS) number.
Range is 1 to 65,535.
<ip address> Clears the BGP neighbor with the specified IP address.
in Causes a “soft” reset inbound with a neighbor, reprocessing routes advertised by
that neighbor.
out Causes a “soft” reset outbound with a neighbor, re-sending advertised routes to
that neighbor.
soft Causes a “soft” reset both inbound and outbound.
Default Values
No default value necessary for this command.
Applicable Platforms
This command applies to the NetVanta 300, 1000R, 2000, 3000, 4000, and 5000 and Total Access 900
Series units.
Command History
Release 8.1 Command was introduced.
Functional Notes
The clear ip bgp command must be issued to re-initialize the BGP process between the peers matching
the given arguments. Most neighbor changes, including changes to prefix-list filters, do not take effect until
the clear command is issued. A hard reset clears the TCP connection with the specified peers, which
results in clearing the table. This method of clearing is disruptive and causes peer routers to record a route
flap for each route.
The out version of this command provides a soft reset out to occur by causing all routes to be re-sent to
the specified peer(s). TCP connections are not torn down, so this method is less disruptive. Output
filters/policies are re-applied before sending the update.
The in version of this command provides a soft reset in to occur by allowing the router to receive an
updated table from a peer without tearing down the TCP connection. This method is less disruptive and
does not count as a route flap. Currently, all of the peer's routes are stored permanently, even if they are
filtered by a prefix list. The command causes the peer's routes to be reprocessed with any new