Command Reference Guide Demand Interface Configuration Command Set
61200990L1-35E Copyright © 2005 ADTRAN 677
match-interesting [list <acl name> | reverse list <acl name>] [in | out]
Use the match-interesting command to allow an access list (ACL) to specify which traffic attempting to
cross this interface will be considered interesting. Use the no form of this command to restore the default
Syntax Description
list <acl name> Specifies using an ACL with normal (source, destination) ACL matching logic.
reverse list <acl name> Specifies using an ACL with reverse (destination, source) ACL matching logic.
in Optional. Specifies that only incoming traffic is interesting.
out Optional. Specifies that only outgoing traffic is interesting.
Default Values
By default, no interesting traffic is defined.
Applicable Platforms
This command applies to the NetVanta 1000R, 3000, 4000, and 5000 Series units.
Command History
Release 11.1 Command was introduced.
Usage Examples
The following example instructs demand interface 1 to use the access list MyACL when checking for
interesting traffic:
(config)#interface demand 1
(config-demand 1)#match-interesting list MyACL in