Command Reference Guide E1 Interface Configuration Command Set
61200990L1-35E Copyright © 2005 ADTRAN 524
tdm-group <group number> timeslots <1-31> speed [56 | 64]
Use the tdm-group command to create a group of contiguous channels on this interface to be used during
the cross-connect process. See crypto map <mapname> on page 896 for related information.
Syntax Description
<group number> Identifies the created TDM group (valid range: 1 to 255).
timeslots <1-31> Specifies the channels to be used in the TDM group. This can be entered as a
single number representing one of the 31 E1 channel timeslots or as a contiguous
group of channels. (For example, 1-10 specifies the first 10 channels of the E1.)
speed [56 | 64]
Optional. Specifies the individual channel rate on the E1 interface to be 56 kbps or
64 kbps. The default speed is 64 kbps.
Default Values
By default, there are no configured TDM groups.
Applicable Platforms
This command applies to the NetVanta 1000R, 3000, 4000, and 5000 Series units.
Command History
Release 5.1 Command was introduced.
Usage Examples
The following example creates a TDM group (labeled 5) of 10 DS0s at 64 kbps each:
(config)#interface e1 1/1
(config-e1 1/1)#tdm-group 5 timeslots 1-10 speed 64
Changing tdm-group settings could result in service interruption.