Command Reference Guide Tunnel Configuration Command Set
61200990L1-35E Copyright © 2005 ADTRAN 991
dyndns-static -
The Static DNS service is similar to Dynamic DNS service in that it allows a hostname such
as yourname.dyndns.org to point to your IP address. Unlike a Dynamic DNS host, a Static DNS host does
not expire after 35 days without updates, but updates take longer to propagate though the DNS system.
This service is provided for up to five hostnames.
If your IP address does not change often or at all but you still want an easy name to remember it by
(without having to purchase your own domain name) Static DNS service is ideal for you.
If you would like to use your own domain name (such as yourname.com), you need Custom DNS service,
which also provides full dynamic and static IP address support.
Usage Examples
The following example sets the dynamic-dns to dyndns-custom with hostname host, username user, and
password pass:
(config)#interface tunnel 1
(config-tunnel 1)#dynamic-dns dyndns-custom host user pass