Command Reference Guide Enable Mode Command Set
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copy console <filename>
Use the copy console command to copy the console’s input to a text file. To end copying to the text file,
type <
Ctrl+D>. The file will be saved in the AOS root directory.
Syntax Description
<filename> Specifies destination file for console input.
Default Values
No default is necessary for this command.
Applicable Platforms
This command applies to the NetVanta 300, 1000, 1000R, 2000, 3000, 4000, and 5000 and
Total Access 900 Series units.
Command History
Release 8.1 Command was introduced.
Functional Notes
The copy console command works much like a line editor. Prior to pressing <Enter>, changes can be
made to the text on the line. Changes can be made using <Delete> and <Backspace> keys. The text can
be traversed using the arrow keys, <Ctrl+A> (to go to the beginning of a line), and <Ctrl+E> (to go to the
end of a line). To end copying to the text file, type <Ctrl+D>. The file will be saved in the AOS root
directory. Use the dir command to see a list of files in the root directory.
Usage Examples
The following example copies the console input into the file config (located in the AOS root directory):
#copy console config